Your texts about addictions

I received some of your opinions about addictions, some on paper, some via e-mail. To have a further discussion, I want to present parts of them.

  1.                                             ,,COMPUTEROHOLISM”

            More and more teenagers have  problems with a healthy attitude to the Internet. They spend too much time in front of the screen. They are addicted. Addiction leads to bad results at school, unpredictable behavior and bad relationship between a child and his/her parents.

Two years ago there was a case of a teenager who killed his grandmom with a knife, just because she didn’t let him play computer games .Such situation is dangerous for both a child and his/her surroundings. A teenager is closed off in his own world. He is like a predator who is aggressive, angry and miserable without access to the computer. Virtual world became his/her natural habitat. How do you know if you are addicted? Firstly, you ca be distracted  and  everything tells you to turn on the computer. Secondly, you spend in front of  the computer more than 4 hours a day. Moreover, you can have school problems and arguments with your family. What is more, you are aggressive and you don’t want to interact with your friends.  If you suspect that you may be addicted, you should call a psychologist or talk to an adult person.

In my opinion, this problem is one of the most popular illnesses of the 21st century. One cannot forget that healthy lifestyle is the key to your successful future. Living only in virtual world is not enough to be happy.

2. Shopoholizm is a shopping addiction, disease of the XXI century. This is revealed that,the person  who is addcit connot resist the temptation to buy something new. Each stress, each problem is ”melted” in the trip to the shopping center. Buying is a form of escape from everyday problems, sarrows, a sense of loneliness and undervaluing. Casualty shopoholizm are most often person, who don’t believe in ourselves. Possession new things allows them to feel better. And you ? Are you sure that you don’t have a shopoholizm? A stitch in time saves nine.

3. Addiction to plastic surgery. People can’t notice that they are beautiful. keep ‘upgrading’ their appearance. Hurt themselves.The problem lies in the mind. Visit the psychologist.

the text to read with pleasure

As I promised some time ago 🙂 here is the text written by a student from 1ALO. It is a very good example of an interesting piece.


Hi Lucas!

I’m Wiktoria and I am from Poland. I live in Lodz with my parents and two sisters. I’m 16 years old. I go to A public catholic school- Salesian Secondary School. In this school students wear school uniforms, because it is an important school tradition.

I’m attaching a photo of me and my friend from one of our school trips. I’m the dark-haired girl in the middle. The blond-haires girl on the right is my best friend Asia. She’s wearing a jeans and blue T-shirt. She’s friendly, clever and modest.

Can you send me a photo of you and your friends when you email me back? I want to see what you look like.

Tell me about your life. I hope to hear from you soon.

Bye for now,

Matura Topics Autumn Term 2016

Otwarto Dworzec Fabryczny. Napisz artykuł do lokalnej prasy i omów korzyści dla Łodzian wynikające z ukończenia tej inwestycji oraz problemy związane z jego budową.
Polacy spędzają tradycyjne święta na wiele sposobów. Napisz artykuł i przedstaw kilka z możliwości. Uzasadnij również, która z nich może być najpopularniejsza wśród młodzieży.
Wzrasta popularność różnego rodzaju suplementów diety. W artykule do czasopisma młodzieżowego opisz zjawisko i przedstaw jego skutki na przykładzie kolegi/ koleżanki.

List formalny
Twoja klasa rzadko wychodzi do kina czy na lekcje poza szkołą. Napisz list do dyrektora szkoły, opisz sytuację i uzasadnij, dlaczego takich wyjść powinno być więcej.
W liście do urzędu miasta opisz problemy mieszkańców w związku z remontami w wielu miejscach. Na przykładzie konkretnej sytuacji uzasadnij, dlaczego władze miasta powinny w jakiś sposób interweniować.
Zamierzasz studiować za granicą. W liście do władz uczelni zapytaj o możliwość uczestniczenia w językowym kursie przygotowawczym. Napisz, dlaczego Ci na nim zależy i jakich korzyści oczekujesz.

Ludzie coraz częściej dają bony prezentowe zamiast prezentów. Omów wady i zalety takiego rozwiązania.
Miasto Łódź zgłosiło swoją kandydaturę do organizacji Expo 2022. Rozważ wady i zalety tej decyzji.
Śniadanie to najważniejszy posiłek dnia. Wyraź swoją opinię na ten temat i uzasadnij ją na przykładach.

Difficult writing?

I had always loved reading, I devoured books by tens every week and then, one day, I thought how difficult it would be to write such a long thing. I admire people who just sit down at their desks and compose- sounds like music, don’t you think? So I decided to start, not anything long, I’m not such a type of character to manage it. But this blog is just a right thing to do. Short posts, some thoughts that come to me after lessons. I don’t think it will ever make a book, but I’m writing it just for the sake of pleasure. On a though day it helps!

It’s been a long time since my last post, sorry. The beginning of the school year is always a bust time, but here I am. This blog is for everyone who likes writing and sharing opinions about writing. I know it is very personal to speak about one’s attitudes and it is very boring to repeat some common knowledge, but I would like to tell you what I like writing. It helps me tidy my thoughts and verbalise some emotions and ideas. And what about you all? Please, write!